Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
Today, we simplyΒ wanted to wish you all Merry Christmas. Hope you are spending it with your nearest and dearest, in a good, jovial atmosphere surrounded by delicious, homecooked food.
We too are taking an opportunity to reconnect with people we care about and to play with our beloved cat, Tina, overΒ this festive weekend. She says we work too hard and she would love it if we had more time (i.e. like the entire 24 hours) to run around with a piece of string so that she can throw herself at it pretending it’s a mouses’ tail. We try to keep her on a straight and narrow, but we plan to indulge her this weekend a little.
Merry Christmas and we’ll be back with a new (cracking) recipe on Tuesday.
Ania, Duncan and Tina (who loves dressing up as Santa:)