Sourdough rye bread (beginner friendly)

Sourdough rye bread (beginner friendly)

sourdough rye bread cross section

So it’s happened, after some resistance I finally fell into the sourdough hole and I could not be more obesessed. I guess it’s no surprise. I loved chemistry as a kid until an awful teacher took over. She would say rubbish like: when it comes to grades, God can get an A, I can get a B and you lot (meaning us, kids) can at most get a C. What a role model! I mean, seriously? She should have not come anywhere near teaching.

Anyway, I digress. So what got me hooked on sourdough was a bit of homesickness and the realisation how much I miss rye bread I grew up on. Rye breads – there are literally hundreds of traditional recipes – are a true staple of Northern, Central and Eastern European diets, but not very popular here in the UK so I knew that if I wanted a taste of home I had to make my sourdough rye bread myself.

Like all good sourdough breads, rye sourdough starts with a bubbly starter. Sourdough starter is essentially a culture of wild yeast and gut-friendly bacteria that is a result of fermentation process. All you need to make a starter is quality flour (wholemeal flour – rye or wheat – which has a much higher mineral content, is most reliable), non-chlorinated water, time and a bit of care. That Guinness advert from over a decade ago – good things come to those who wait – hit the nail on the head. A starter takes approximately 7 days of waiting and daily feeding before you are able to harness its bubbly goodness in making your first sourdough.

After your starter is ready, all you need to do is mix some of it up with flour, water and eventually salt and wait a bit to allow wild yeast to aerate the dough, bake the bread and wait some more for it to settle. If it sounds like there is a lot of waiting and twiddling your thumbs, it’s because there is! But don’t worry, apart from some stirring and a bit of patience, this is a pretty hands-off way to get a beautiful sourdough rye bread on your table. Your patience will be rewarded with a delicious, complex flavour loaf. It will be crispy on the outside and moist and soft on the inside, with a great crunch of some added seeds. It offers a great nutritional alternative to white bread too. I love this bread, especially lighly toasted and topped with a range of sweet and savoury toppings and I hope you will too.

If you are a beginner, don’t worry. This is a perfect sourdough to get started on. It is ridiculosly simple to make as there is no kneading or shaping required. The process is more akin to making a cake albeit with very minimal ingredients. Yet, as opposed to a cake, it is not that easy to mess this bread up. You don’t need to be careful with folding flour into the wet ingredients or vigilant when it comes to taking the loaf out of the oven the minute it’s ready, this dough is very forgiving and 5-10 minutes longer in the oven won’t ruin it.


Below are all of the key ingredients that go into this simple sourdough rye bread, with the exception of sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds can be omitted or replaced with a different seed: pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed or even chopped nuts.

What is helpful to remember is that the ratios of the main ingredients in this recipe are: 1 : 1 : 1 : 2, meaning 1 part sourdough starter, 1 part rye flour, 1 part wheat flour and 2 parts water. Remembering this formula will enable you to easily increase the volume of your bread to match the size of the bread tin you own.

sourdough rye bread ingredients

SOURDOUGH STARTER: I made a starter with wholemeal rye flour and it took 7 days of feeding before I was able to bake my first loaf. I followed this regimen and it worked a treat. I was able to bake my first sourdough bread on day 8 of my starter.

DAY 1: I mixed 70 g (2.5 oz) of wholemeal rye flour and 70 g (2.5 oz) of lukewarm water in a clean jar. I mixed them together with a wooden spoon (metal can inhibit wild yeast apparently) and left on my counter to do their thing.

DAY 2 onwards: I discarded everything but 70 g (2.5 oz) of my starter and fed it 70 g (2.5 oz) of flour and 70 g (2.5 oz) of water.

I know that discarding your perfectly happy starter seems counterintuitive but there is a method to this madness. The amount of flour (and water) that you need to feed your starter needs to match the amount of starter that you are feeding so that correct acidity of the starter is maintained. If you were to keep all your starter you would have to feed it ever increasing quantities of flour, which is just not that cost effective. So this way you waste a little at the beginning to avoid wasting a lot throughout the process. Makes sense, doesn’t it? And anyway, you could add that ‘wasted’ starter (your discard) to many recipes such as pancakes, waffles, pizza dough, crackers. Discard acts as a leavener and adds pleasant tanginess to baked goods.

Btw, rye starter can be used to make a beautiful non-rye bread too. I made a white bread flour sourdough a couple of days ago and the result has surpassed my expection – for some reason I used to think that the flour used for the starter should match the flour used for the loaf. I was wrong. You can make an artisan white flour loaf with rye starter and vice versa.

sourdough rye bread starter

Here is what my starter looks like now. It’s happy and healthy – smells a little sour and it’s full of tiny little bubbles. I named it Ryenocerous to remind me of its humble origins (rye flour) and because it’s a voracious eater. Duncan thought it lame at first, but came round eventually. My starter is my little pet that requires a daily feed. I feed it every day as I bake every day, but if you don’t you can keep it in the fridge and decrease the frequency of feedings to once a week.

WHOLEMEAL RYE FLOUR: this would not be a rye bread without a fair amount of rye flour. I used wholemeal rye flour in this recipe and that’s what I recommend. Not only is it healthier as it’s less processed and so it retains a lot of nutritional values that are lost when using white rye flour, it is also much tastier.

WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR: even though this is a rye bread, I decided to use some wholemeal wheat flour to complement rye flour and rye-based sourdough starter. Rye flour is low in gluten so it’s quite heavy and dense, while wholemeal wheat flour is soft and springy. Marrying the two together offers a nice balance of density and lightness that’s hard to dislike. Once you become more confident with this bread, you can alter the proportions a little in favour of more rye flour or even substitute wholemeal wheat flour with white rye flour (it makes the bread denser), but this is a great starting point.

SALT: salt is simply used for flavour and so the amount of it can and should be adjusted to one’s palate. It is not added until you mix up the actual bread dough as it is believed by some to slow down yeast.

WATER: lukewarm, non chlorinated water is what is needed to bring the dough together. I would steer clear of using fresh tap water as it is likely to hinder fermentation. It is best to use boiled and cooled (you want the water to be about body temperature) or a mixture of filtered (I use carbon filters) and boiled water. The amount of water may differ if you decide to change any of the flours. I used 300 g / 10.5 oz of water in total.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS: seeds are a common staple of rye breads, they add extra crunch and nutrition. You could add any seeds or nuts you like, I went for simple and cheap sunflower seeds in this one. If you would like to get more flavour out of them, you could roast them in low oven until golden before cooling and adding to the bread dough.


This recipe is simple and hands-off but the dough is mixed in two stages.

STAGE 1: preferment

Preferment is where active sourdough starter is mixed with half of the flour and water. It is then put aside to ferment overnight (or until you see lots of little bubbles throughout – see photo). This step improves the bread’s texture and flavour and it’s so effortless that I don’t recommend you skip it.

sourdough rye bread flour mixing preferment

sourdough rye bread flour preferment

The photo on the right and below is what preferment looks like after it’s ready to incorporate into the bread dough proper.

sourdough rye bread preferment ready

STAGE 2: bread dough mixing

Once preferment is bubbly (see photo above) – you can do a test by dropping a small amount of it in a glass of lukewarm water and seeing if it floats to the surface. If it does, it means that your preferment is good to turn into the actual bread dough. Here is where you add the other half of the flour, water and salt to the preferment. You the transfer it into a loaf pan, ready for bulk rise.

sourdough rye bread flour seeds

sourdough rye bread salt water

sourdough rye bread mixing

sourdough rye bread packing tin

STAGE 3: bulk rise (passive step)

This is a passive step. Once you transferred the dough into a loaf tin, you need wait until it’s risen out of the tin and a few pin holes appear on the surface of the dough before baking.

sourdough rye bread bulk rise stage

sourdough rye bread sunflower seeds

STAGE 4: cooling (passive step)

This is also a passive step. Rye flour makes the bread moist inside, which is why you need to allow rye bread to settle once out of the oven or else it will appear underdone. It needs to be stone-cold before you cut into it. I typically allow it to cool off on a drying rack overnight.

That’s all there is to it, like I say it’s all very simple and hands-off.

This is what my bread looked like after baking and (cross section) after it has settled overnight. It has a delicious crispy crust that keeps the bread fresh and moist, soft, sunflower-seed studded flesh with a mild tangy taste and plenty of air bubbles.

sourdough rye bread baked

sourdough rye bread bottom side

I love this bread toasted with a range of toppings. Here are some easy examples below:

– mashed avocado, sundried tomatoes, chilli oil, rocket
– vegan cream cheese, radishes, nigella seeds, micro herbs
– hummus, roasted cherry toms, chilli oil, rocket or coriander
– hummus, garlicky pan-seared mushrooms, parsely or chilli oil
– peanut butter, sliced banana, crushed peanuts
– vegan nuttella and sliced banana, crushed hazelnuts
– vegan butter and apricot jam

sourdough rye bread open sandwiches

1 loaf
20 min
75 min
1 loaf
20 min
75 min
  • 150 g / 5.3 oz active sourdough starter (see blog post)
  • 150 g / 5.3 oz wholemeal rye flour
  • 300 g / 10.5 oz lukewarm water*, divided
  • 150 g / 5.3 oz wholemeal wheat flour or white rye flour*
  • 1Β½ tsp fine salt
  • 100 g / 3.5 oz sunflower seeds (optional)

STAGE 1 (preferment)

  1. In a large glass bowl, combine active sourdough starter, wholemeal rye flour and half of the warm water (150 g / 5.3 oz).
  2. Mix into a thick paste, scarpe the sides of the bowl, smooth the top with a spatula and cover with a kitchen towel. Leave to ferment in a warm place (kitchen counter, away from draughts) overnight or until the preferment has risen and is bubbly throughout.

STAGE 2 & 3 (bread dough & bulk rise)

  1. Brush you baking tin with a little oil and coat it with either of the flours. If your tin isn’t non-stick, you may want to add a wide (not too wide as it will stop the bottom from crisping up) sling of baking parchment in the middle of the tin for easy removal.
  2. To the bowl with prefermented starter, add wholemeal wheat flour, the other half of water, salt and sunflower seeds (hold some back for the topping). Mix really well, until no flour pockets remain.
  3. Transfer the dough into the prepared baking tin, pressing the mixture down in the tin so that it’s evenly distributed and there are no air pockets in between spoonfuls of the dough.
  4. Smooth the top with a wet hand or a wet spatula. Cover with an upside down bowl and set aside for 2-4 hours in a warm place, until the bread rises and domes out of the tin and there are a few pin holes visible on the surface (see photos in the post).
  5. When your bread is nearly there, pre-heat the oven to 220Β° C / 430Β° F.
  6. Once the bread has risen, handle it very gently as you don’t want it to deflate. Gently spray the top with water and sprinkle with some (not too many) sunflower seeds.
  7. Place the bread on the middle shelf. Optionally, place a deep baking tray filled with warm water at the bottom of the oven for a less hard top crust.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes, then decrease the temperature to 200Β° C / 390Β° F and bake for further 55-60 minutes, the bread is ready when the bottom sounds hollow when you knock on it. It is normal for this bread to get quite dark on top, but you could cover the top with a piece of kitchen foil for the last 30-15 minutes if it’s getting too dark.
  9. Once baked, take the bread out of the tin (otherwise the bottom will get soggy) and place it on a drying rack to cool.

STAGE 4 (cooling)

  1. Allow the bread to settle (overnight or until stone-coled) before cutting into it.
  2. Store on the counter, wrapped up in a paper bag and a kitchen towel. It will keep for up to 5 days once cut. To freeze, slice and separate the slices with pieces of baking paper before locking away in an air-tight container. Freeze for up to 2 months.

*WATER: do not use chlorinated (tap) water as it may harm your starter. You can use boiled and cooled water or a mixture of boiled water and filtered water so that the water added to the flour is lukewarm (body temperature).

*WHITE RYE FLOUR: if you want this loaf to be 100% rye, use white rye flour instead of wholemeal wheat flour without chaning anything else. Be aware that 100% rye loaf is going to be denser, moistier and less fluffy than 50% rye and 50% wheat flour loaf. If you are new to rye bread, I recommend you start of with the latter.

BAKING TIN SIZE: I used a small 900 g / 2 lb tin that I usually make cakes in. The tin holds 1250 ml / 5 cups of liquid (to the brim) and measures: 21.5 cm / 8.5 inches (length), 11 cm / 4.3 inches (width) and 5 cm / 2 inches (depth). Bread dough should not reach above 3/4 height of the tin or else it may not rise.

SCALING UP: If you would like to scale this recipe up, it is helpful to remember that the ratios of the key ingredients in this recipe are: 1:1:1:2 (1 part starter : 1 part rye flour : 1 part wheat flour : 2 parts water) so to make a slightly larger loaf use 200 g / 7 oz starter, 200 g / 7 oz rye flour, 200 g / 7 oz wheat flour and 400 g / 14 oz water. Remember that you may need to extend the baking time a little too.

0 g
0 g
0 g
3 g
15 g
*per 1 out of 20 slices
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18 reviews, 64 comments
This is my weekly recipe now. It's simple and delicious and the loaf lasts well.
    Aw thanks Rebecca, I am so pleased to hear that as it's one of my favourite loaves as well. Thank you for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. Ania
my first attempt at sourdough. I enjoyed the two loaves I've made so and found it pretty simple to follow recipe. would like to use the starter about once every two weeks as its just for myself. Do you just leave the starter in same jar in fridge and take out what you need each time or keep transferring to a clean jar every time you use it?
    Thanks Tina, I am delighted to hear that the bread came out well and that you found it simple to make. As for the starter, I don't put it into a clean jar every time I feed it. I do once every few feeds - if the jar is looking a bit too crusty, I transfer the starter to a new jar then. Hope this helps. Ania
Easy to make, don’t even need a mixer, just a spoon, comes out lovely and keeps for a long time. Putting a dish with water in the oven whilst baking makes the crust even better and easier to slice and eat.
    Thanks Bea, I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed this bread so much and find it easy to make to:) It's my favourite! Ania
Hi. I've made this recipe 3 times now but since I'm new to bread making I don't really have anything to compare with. It goes down well with my husband, myself and 3 children. I shall reduce the cooking time by 15 minutes to try next time as I always seem to burn the top despite placing a foil on top after 20-30 minutes. I placed a tin of water in the oven with it this time too, but doesn't really seem to have made a difference for me. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I look forward to trying more!
    Hi Nia,
    I am delighted to hear that you and your family are enjoying this rye bread. In terms of the top getting quite dark, that's characteristic for rye flour and you cannot avoid it completely without the inside getting undercooked, I don't think. Ania
overnight proof in the fridge - I meant to say.
Dear Ania,
I have baked this loaf 15 times+ since I found it online and love it! It has become my main method to bake weekly, I have also shared it with a number of friends.
The main reason I love it is because it requires no stretching 😊 Thank you so much for sharing it πŸ™πŸΎ
P.S. I found the q and a very useful too and did overnight proofing for the first time, though I gave the loaf away so I am hoping for success and my friend's feedback X
    I'm delighted to hear that you love this bread, Rhena - especially that it's my personal favourite too. Thank you for taking the time to let me know and for sharing the recipe with friends - I really appreciate it. x Ania
A really great recipe, simple and effective. We make it with 100% dark rye flour and it always comes out great, dense - but that's what we like.
The recipe is very forgiving on times as everything happens so slowly , once you've done it a few times you can rely on touch and the look of the dough to decide if it's ready for the next stage.
We added a mix of seeds - pumpkins, sesame and sunflower but must say less is more and have gone back to just sunflower, consistency and taste seems to be better
Also cooking in our oven takes less time than you suggest and never comes out soggy.
I make a lot of different sourdoughs , but this is definitely our favourite - you can feel that each slice is doing you good when you eat it, the bread lasts for ages, and even after week it great toasted.
thanks so much a game changer for us .x
    Aw thanks so much, Ed. I am so pleased to hear that this bread has become your staple too! That's so great to hear and you are right, you can totally do it by feel after a few times. Thank you for taking the time to write this lovely review - I really appreciate it. Ania
Little Johnny:
hi there,
would i be able to combine rye flour and chickpea flour with this recipe?
if so, do I need to do anything different?
    Hi Johnny,
    You could try, but I don't think it will work as this bread needs gluten and chickpea flour has none. Ania
All of your recipes literally make my mouth water so hard! I just came across your website through Instagram. I am Not vegan, but since my husband had a heart attack last year we hardly eat any meat, eggs etc. anymore.
I will definately try a couple of your treats. Best regards, Silke
    Aw thanks Silke, I am so glad you like the look of my recipes although I am sorry about your husband's heart attack - I hope he is doing much better. I hope you'll both enjoy my recipes. Ania
I love this recipe as it is so easy and tasty. however the crust is too hard all the way round, not just on top. how would I change it as I dont want to change the recipe? many thanks
    Hi Lisa,
    Delighted to hear that you enjoy this bread. The crust is meant to hard (it also keeps the bread fresh inside for longer until cut open) but if you wanted to soften it you could maybe wrap the hot bread in a paper bag or a clean kitchen towel - the steam should soften the crust a little. Ania
a great recipe and I made a wonderful loaf. I then put my starter in fridge whilst I went away for a week. will it take 8 days of feeding before I can make another loaf?
    Thanks Lisa, I am glad you enjoyed the bread. It shouldn't need 8 days of feeding again, a couple of feeds should be enough. Ania
    No, it's very easy to waken your dormant starter.
    I keep my starter in the fridge because I only make 1 loaf per week.
    The night before I want to make a loaf, I take the starter (100g) out of the fridge, add 100g flour and 100g water to reactivate it and leave it overnight out of the fridge.
    In the morning it is nice and bubbly, so I take out 200g to make the bread and put the remaining 100g back in the fridge until next time. I have been cycling my starter like this for months now.
Do you make 2 sets of starters? The starter recipe that you have posted is for 70g but your bread recipe is for 150g. Or do I just not discard 70g on the last day?
    Hi Lisa,
    No, only one starter. The starter gives you about 210 g and yes, don't discard when you are about to make the bread - add it to the bread (you only discard if you cannot use the starter for anything). Feed remaining 60 g of start with 60 g of water and 60 g of flour (or you can discard 30 g and only feed 30 g) and carry on feeding and discarding like before. Hope this helps. Ania
This is my absolute favorite bread recipe and I have gone through many. Ridiculously easy, delicious, and as healthy as it gets..
Thank you for a great addition to our regular rotations!
    Thanks Erika, how lovely to hear that you love this bread so much - it's one of my staples too. It makes me really happy to hear that you find it easy to make too. Thank you for taking the time to review - it means a lot. Ania
can you use starter that has been made from white baking flour, not rye flour?
    Yes, as long as it's well feed and happy (bubbly). Hope you enjoy the end result. Ania
This bread is SENSATIONAL! The only reason I would ever eat any other bread now is if my scheduling is out and I don't manage to have the next loaves made before we finish the last one. Then I spend the entire time moaning about the fact I didn't make the new bread in time. I have been making it for 10 months, and because my starter is only about 11 months old, the loaves have got better and better as the starter has strengthened. It's a very forgiving recipe - I have made it both with/without the steam bath. I once accidentally had the starting temp at 170ΒΊ instead of 220ΒΊ because I misread the dial - I then turned the oven up and did a whole heap of calculations to give the loaves the same amount of high heat as they should have had: they came out exactly the same as usual!! I line my pans completely because I did have an issue with sticking early on - never had an issue with sogginess at the bottom. You can slice it super thin - which I personally prefer. I make 2 loaves at a time, and slightly larger than Ania's original but as she says, the proportions are easy to dial up. I freeze one because we are only a two person household and you are hard pressed to notice any difference between the frozen vs unfrozen. It keeps fresh in the bread bin forever - once a crust got left in the bread bin for a couple of weeks - toasted it - brilliant! It's great for improving gut health too. Is there anything this bread cannot do? Anyway - MAKE THIS BREAD! And thanks to Ania for changing my (bread eating) life! :)
    Aw thank you so much Jane for your kind words, I am so touched. I am really happy that this bread has become such a staple in your household and so life changing :) That really warms the cockles of my heart. Thank you for taking the time to write this lovely review, I really appreciate it. Ania
Jennifer Hall:
Bread turned out delicious. I was worried because the dough was thin like cake batter and poured into the pan. I was expecting to have to spoon it into the pan.
    Delighted to hear that Jennifer!
Not sure what happened but the bread dough was more like cake batter. It poured into the pan. I double check my measurements and it seems I measured right. I hope t turns out. It is running late now. was thinking I might refrigerate it tonight and let it rise tomorrow.
    Hi Jen,
    That's correct, the batter is supposed to look like cake batter - please see my photos if you need reassurance. If your starter is very runny - mine, which is made with rye flour drops off the spoon but isn't pourable - you may want to add a touch less water but if you don't, it really doesn't matter. Hope this helps. Ania
Is there a way to make this If I only have white rye flour?
    Hi Natasha,
    Do you mean 100% white rye flour or 50% white rye and 50% wholewheat? In both cases the answer is yes, but with the former the bread will be moister instead (such is the nature of rye) and less fluffy and springy as rye has very little gluten. Provided that's the texture you like, sure, otherwise I would recommend 50-50 split. Hope this helps. Ania
    PS: also, you may need a little less water.
Karen Chase-Levenson:
Can you please tell me if the preferment jar should be covered, and if so, how? In the photos it looks as if when it is finished there is a lid on the jar, but in some of the photos it looks covered with saran wrap. Do you cover from the start or only after the first night?
    Hi Karen,
    The jar contains my starter, it's in a bell jar and I cover it with a lid but do not screw it on. The preferment is what you see in the glass bowl (the side on photo with lots of air bubbles across the mixture) and I usually just throw a clean kitchen towel over it. Hope it helps! Ania
      Karen Chase-Levenson:
      Very helpful, thanks!
        My pleasure and I hope you'll enjoy the result. Ania
Have I ruined this first effort?
I accidentally added _all_ the water to the preferment. Any chance that I can just let it do its thing, just not add any water with the WW flour/salt/seeds, and have any hope for a loaf that rises?
    Hi Erica,
    It's not ideal, but you could simply mix all of the flour and salt (maybe skip the seeds in this case) in now and just let it all raise in bulk. It will probably take quite a bit longer but should be fine otherwise. Ania
I am wondering if I use 100% rye flour, will I need to adjust anything in the recipie, such as water?
    Hi Chris,
    I made it with 100% rye but 50% was white rye and the rest was dark rye and the amount of water was the same. Something to be mindful of is that the texture of the bread will be different, it will be less fluffy and wetter inside as such is the character of rye flour. Hope you'll enjoy it. Ania
After 4 hours my mixture hasn’t risen much and I don’t see bubbles on the top. Should I wait longer?
At the preferment stage it was bubbly and the starter was rising predictably. What do you think might be the issue?
    Hi Bel,
    Sounds like you are on the right track and you simply need to give it longer - I typically let it sit on my counter overnight so closer to 10 hours. It will get there, just give it more time. Ania
Hi Ania could I bake it in the Dutch oven? Does it then need less time ? Also can I use 100% dark rye flour.
    Hi Ivona,
    This bread is low gluten so you won't be able to shape it, it's more like a cake in consistency before you bake it so for that reason I would not recommend a Dutch oven (it will stick it its sides). A well oiled, preferably non-stick, bread or cake tin is better suited to a bread like this. Hope this helps. Ania
Great bread! I had to freestyle a little as only had white rye flour (used half that and half wholemeal bread flour), and my form was too little (split it into two). But will definitely making it again!
    Thanks Eva, I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed it and are planning to make it again. And thank you for taking the time to review – I really appreciate it. Ania
Another old codger of 78! Not much luck so far with other sourdough recipes - probably too impatient - still , we don't mind eating concrete occasionally. My question is: at Stage 2 what happens if I leave it to go past that bubbly stage before going on to the next stage? It's coming up now (2pm) and there isn't time to bake it before tomorrow as I have to leave the house. Should I bung it in the fridge to slow it down or doens't it matter?
Your recipe is very clear and nicely photographed so thank you.
    Hi Stephen,
    Step 2 is only a pre-ferment so if it's ready (bubbly throughout and the surface is even and just slightly domed), you can mix in the other flour, seeds, salt and water. Transfer it to a prepared tin and place in the fridge overnight, covered with a clean kitchen cloth. The fridge will slow down the rise and tomorrow, simply take it out of the fridge and wait until it looks ready to bake - it's domed slightly and there are small holes in the surface before baking. If it's not ready yet, yes, you can place the pre-ferment in the fridge too and you should be fine to continue tomorrow. The amount of time that passes is not as important as visual signs that the pre-ferment or the actual dough is ready as a lot depends on ambient temperature and on how healthy your starter is - some starters are quicker than others. If you were to your pre-ferment on the kitchen counter overnight, the chances are that it would become too fermented and will eventually collapse - which you don't want as the bread would end up dense and brick like. I hope this makes sense and if you need help, send me a message on Instagram (@lazycatkitchen) as I am likely to get to it quicker. Hope you'll enjoy it. Ania
      Hope you got my Instagram message today. The loaf turned out very well and delicious after much panicking about temperature. I forgot the seeds but it's a good way to use rye flour if you don't want it too dark. I mixed it 50/50 with a strong white that still has some of the bran and which by itself produces a loaf quite brown in colour.
      Ania you have been so helpful and responsive. Do you have any other soughdough recipes? I find so much conflicting info amongst the Youtubers. I would rather put my trust in you!
      Thanks again, Stephen.
        Hi Stephen,
        I was just replying to this when I saw your Instagram message - I am delighted that it worked well in the end and I am really happy my suggestions have been helpful and as I said to Jinny, if you make it often (like I do), it will be something that you can make with your eyes closed (well almost). I stopped buying bread completely after I got into the swing of baking this. I haven't published any other sourdough recipes yet, but I am working on a 50% wholemeal sourdough baked in a Dutch oven and hope to publish it soon. Ania
first time I made this bread it was great, but all the second and third time there was a tunnel near the top of the loaf. Like the the top 3/4 inch just separated from the rest. I followed the same process as far as I can tell . Anyone have any idea what the problem is ??
    Hi Stefan,
    It sounds to me like the bread has overproofed or proofed too quickly resulting in air being trapped underneath the skin. Try proofing it overnight in the fridge maybe for a slow rise. Hope this helps! Ania
Loved this - my first rye sourdough and it’s now been repeated and shared with friends!
Thank you πŸ™πŸΌ
    That is fantastic news, Joanne - thank you for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
What do you do with this ? End of step 5. "and fill a deep baking tray with boiling water"
In step 7 you say " and (optionally) a small baking dish filled with water at the bottom of the oven."
Are these the same? They seem to be described differently.
    Hi Leslie,
    Yes, the same. I started off always adding that tray filled with water but then forgot one or twice and concluded that's not so necessary (provided that you mist/brush the bread with water before baking). I will reword the instructions so that they are clearer. x Ania
Oh, what a wonderful recipe. I was all ready to try it today only to realize I've run out of rye flour! Disaster. Would I be able to do this with spelt flour instead and would I use the same ratios if so?
    Hi Chew,
    I have not tried making this bread with spelt flour so I am unsure as to what the texture will be like or if any adjustments (like water content and baking time) are needed, I am afraid. It should be similar but you may not be as happy with the outcome as if you used rye flour. Ania
This was really good and easy to make. I think it's kind of a small loaf, i think I'll scale it 1.5 times next time i make it so that it's a taller loaf.
    I am delighted you enjoyed this bread, Anna, and found it easy to make too! Yes, it is quite small (I used a 1.25 l tin) but it's easy to scale up as per my notes. x Ania
I am a 78 year-old kitchen-incompetent male, completely new to baking.... but delighted to have found a recipe that fits my skill level, yet produces really healthy bread with tastes that bring all the flavours of those delicious breads I have eaten in Germany. Being a mean old codger I put the starter into several jars as I divide and feed and then bake several loaves at once. They last at least a week in a bag in the bread bin, I find. Otherwise I freeze the ones we are not going to use within the week. Instead of wheat flour I add about one-to-three parts of oat bran (or sometimes mixed seeds, or muesli even!) to wholemeal rye flour. My grandchildren say the oat bran makes the bread smell of honey! And I like the slightly denser texture. But I don't always bother to wait for it to rise a bit before putting it in the loaf tin ... just mix and let it rise in the loaf tin overnight - or mix in the morning and bake late afternoon - all depending a bit on the temperature.. Seems to be so very forgiving. Brilliant that this recipe has none of the folding and stretching some people insist on! Oh - and I just use tap water and a little boiled water to warm it up. Let it stand a bit. But I guess it depends how heavily chlorinated your local supply is.
    Thank you John and it really does sound like you are being a bit tough on yourself!! I am delighted to hear that this recipe has worked so well for you, especially that it's one of my personal staples (I make it at least once a week). Thank you for taking the time to review - I really appreciate it. x Ania
This recipe worked a treat! It was my dream to make a really chewy dense rye loaf, we used to buy such bread from a Polish grocery shop years ago - but I'd never done sourdough before so the whole process was new. I perhaps didn't get quite as much rise as Ania did, judging by the pics, but the taste and texture were perfect so maybe it was because my tin was a little wider. I used a different regimen for the starter because it was a no-discard recipe which I liked - it was easy to follow. I hope to be making this loaf on a regular basis now, as I could just sit and eat it to be honest - it's insanely nice with tahini and avocado! Thank you!
    Thank you Jane, I am delighted that you've enjoyed this bread so much - I make it on a weekly, sometimes biweekly, basis and I cannot imagine my life without it now. In terms of rise, make sure your starter is fed before you make your preferment and perhaps leave the preferment a little longer to get a better rise. Hope the next one will come out even taller. x Ania
Hello, I love how the recipe looks, but I’m not sure I would be able to make my own starter :(( Is it possible to use active dry yeast instead? Thank youuu!
    Hi Stela,
    It won't quite be the same, but yes, sure. I have done some tests in the past but haven't got a finalised recipe. Based on my tests, I would say that you need about 2 tsp of instant yeast (if using active dry yeast you'll need to activate it first) and 370 g of flour (I used 50% wholemeal and 50% dark rye) and 450 ml water for a 2lb bread tin. I would also bake it at a lower temp 200 C for 35 minutes and increase to 220 C for the last 10-15 to speed up browning. I hope this works for you - as I say I haven't finalised the recipe, but this gave me a decent bread with yeast. Ania
Oh my gosh. I am sooo stoked I found this recipe! I just got back into making sourdough and have been craving a classic Rye style bread but wanted to use my starter. This came out absolutely PERFECT! I'd never baked with a boiling water bath before too-- and I love how it gave the bread the nicest texture. This will be my go-to rye!
    I am truly delighted to hear that Madeline! I make this bread at least once week, since I released this recipe I stopping using a tray with water and instead spread the bread really well with water and I am really pleased with the result and it's one less dish to wash up - thought you might want to give it a go. Thank you so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
absolute hit in our family. our new favorite sourdough recipe. i also add pumpkin seeds.
    Thanks Marianna, I'm delighted to hear that you and your family have enjoyed it so much. And thank you for taking the time to review – I really appreciate it. x Ania
how exciting that you ventured into the sourdough world! I'll defo try this recipe :) I literally bake one type of sourdough bread and I'm ready to branch out.
my sourdough starter's name used to be Pszemek, since then she's become Ε»yta (or Ryea.)
Please, please, please come up with some great sourdough discard recipes πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    Thanks Basia! Great stuff, I hope you'll enjoy this bread and I will do my best re: discard recipes, promise! x Ania
Nancy Hofstetter:
Hi Ania,
When you are making the starter, you said you discard anything about 70g, then "add the same amount" back to feed it. Do you mean you added another 70g as you started out with? Or let's say you discarded 10g of starter, did you add 10 grams of flour/water back into the starter?
Also, what do you do with the leftover starter? I've read that the leftover is the base you keep forever and ever, and you can keep making sourdough bread from the original starter....??? If so, do you need to keep adding to the original starter so it doesn't run out? If so, what do you add? (Sorry for all the questions, this is the first time I will be making sourdough bread and a sourdough starter....)
    Hi Nancy,
    So on DAY 1, I mix 70 g water and 70 g flour. From DAY 2 onwards, I discard everying BUT 70 g of starter and mix in 70 g of flour and 70 g of water. The reason you discard some of the starter is that amount of flour and water has to match the amount of starter so that the correct PH of the starter is maintained. If you were to keep all of the starter you would need to start feeding it ever more increasing quantities of flour, which is not very cost-effective. So little waste at the beginning is better than huge amount of waste later - if you see what I mean.
    Now, it terms on what you can use the matured discard for, you could incorporate it into pancakes, waffles, pizza dough, crackers - see this post. I will publish my favourite discard recipes with time also.
    Hope this helps,
Do you have more information about using starter like how much needs to be spared and recipes for the discard? I have never done it. I am interested in feeding once a week because that is how often I bake.
    Hi Sonia,
    Yes, this is the actual regimen I used to make my starter. Please take a look, it's very straightforward. I hope you'll give it a go as it's extemely rewarding and versatile - it can be used for anything sourdough (not just rye bread). x Ania
Maureen Cram:
My starter is named Leonardough :). I love working with easy sourdough recipes so thanks so much for this one. Will get some rye flour on my next shopping trip.
    Hahaha, perfect, love the name! Great to hear that you are planning to give this bread a go, Maureen and I really hope you'll enjoy it. x Ania
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