Vegan chocolate banana bread

Vegan chocolate banana bread

vegan chocolate banana bread

I realise I might have missed the banana bread train, which was THE thing to bake at the height of the quarantine but I have been itching to make a double chocolate version of my very popular eggless banana bread for a while now and as we are spending this entire weekend working, I figured that a slice of banana bread and a cup of coffee will keep our spirits high.

The weather has turned cloudy and cold and we have received a confirmation that our sofa is coming on Monday so we really need to get cracking with our living room DIY. Last weekend was far too sunny to stay indoors so predictably we have not moved it along at all, but now that an actual deadline is upon is there are no excuses. Currently we are getting to grips with a beast of a mitre saw, which we purchased to make all the custom cabinets in the house ourselves – let’s see how we get on – I hope not to have to put the saw on Ebay anytime soon…

This recipe for double chocolate banana bread is really easy to make, it requires a single mixing bowl and a bunch of staple ingredients. It’s moist, sweet but not too sweet with delicious pools of melted dark chocolate hidden here and there. It can easily be made gluten-free and refined sugar-free too if you so wish, but it certainly does not have to. I hope you’ll make it and enjoy it as much as we do.

vegan chocolate banana bread wet ingredients

vegan chocolate banana bread batter

vegan chocolate banana bread batter chococolate chunks

vegan chocolate banana bread cut

vegan chocolate banana bread cross section

2 lb / 1 kg
20 min
50 min
2 lb / 1 kg
20 min
50 min

  • 360 g / 1½ cups mashed up, very ripe bananas
  • 60 ml / ¼ cup mild tasting oil (I used 50 g mild coconut oil) or nut butter like hazelnut (for oil-free version)
  • 95 ml / 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp soy milk (lukewarm if using coconut oil)
  • 60 ml / ¼ cup cooled coffee (or more soy milk)
  • 175 g / ¾ cup + 2 tbsp coconut sugar, caster or demerara sugar*


  • 50 g / ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1¼ tsp baking powder
  • ¾ tsp baking soda
  • 180 g / 1½ cups all purpose wheat flour or GF flour mix (I use this one)
  • ½ tsp sea salt (I use Maldon salt flakes crushed between my fingers)


  • 100 g / 3.5 oz vegan 70% dark chocolate, diced small (optional)
  • chopped hazelnuts, for decoration
  1. Heat up the oven to 180° C / 355° F and line a 900 g / 2 lb bread tin** with baking paper. Move the oven rack a notch down from the middle position.
  2. Combine mashed up bananas with oil, soy milk, coffee and sugar in a large bowl. Mix very well.
  3. Place a sieve over the bowl with dry ingredients and sift through cocoa powder, baking agents, flour and salt. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ones slowly and gently making small circles in the middle of the batter, progressively incorporate more and more of the dry ingredients – this way, you won’t have a lumpy batter.
  4. Stir in chopped chocolate or chocolate chips, if using.
  5. Transfer the cake batter into the prepared baking tin. It should be fairly pourable. Decorate with chopped hazelnuts. I preroasted mine in a 180° C / 355° F oven for 10 minutes first, but I don’t recommend doing that (or for as long as I did) as that’s the reason they got slightly burnt once on the cake.
  6. Bake for about 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out fairly clean (this cake should be moist). Remove from the oven and allow it to cool down completely before removing it from the tin and slicing. Use a serrated knife to slice if you have one – I find that it produces neater looking slices.

*Adjust to taste, I found 175 g (¾ cup + 2 tbsp) to be perfect but it still has a pronounced savoury note of dark chocolate so it may not be sweet enough for some people.

**I used a 2 lb / 900 g cake tin of the following dimensions: 18.5cm x 8cm x 6cm, which holds 8 cups / 2000 ml liquid (to the brim), but the batter should fill no more than 2/3 – 3/4 of the 2lb cake tin or else the cake may not raise.

16 g
5 g
1 g
3 g
31 g
*per serving
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19 reviews, 36 comments
This is my go to banana bread, as absolutely everyone I have ever made it for, just loves it; banana lovers and non-lovers alike. It is so scrummy and such a moist and tasty cake. There's nothing not to love with this, and do not skip the chocolate chunks and hazelnuts, this finishes it off perfectly. Thank you. x
    Thanks Kate, so happy to hear that this banana bread recipe has been serving you so well and that it is so well received with your family and friends. Thank you for taking the time to review, much appreciated. Ania
What would be your suggestions for making mini muffins out of this.
Love from the Maldives.
    Hi Afu,
    Firstly, I am sorry for taking so long to reply but my dad is very ill so I haven’t been online much lately. Sure, you can, divide between 12 standard muffins holes and bake for about 22 minutes. Or use this chocolate banana bread muffin recipe instead. Hope this helps! Ania
    Thanks Afu, I am really happy to hear that this banana bread was a hit with your and your dearest. Thank you for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it. x Ania
Perfect treat Ania. We all enjoyed it as an afternoon snack. Although I did adjust the sugar level just because of my daughter. Thank you!
    Thanks Orsi, I am delighted to hear that this recipe was enjoyed by you and your family and many thanks for taking the time to review. x Ania
Eloise Horsfield:
Hello, I just wanted to show my appreciation for this wonderful recipe. I've made it many times and it's always a true treat. The chunks of chocolate make the texture irresistible, and I love how the hazelnuts go all crunchy. The coffee addition certainly seems to add something to the taste, too, though I couldn't tell you what exactly!
I'm always recommending your site to people, Ania – thanks for going to such an effort to create such incredible recipes for us all to enjoy. There are so many mediocre recipes on the internet; in contrast, yours are consistently excellent.
    Thank you, Eloise! I am delighted that you enjoy this banana bread so much (it's one of my favourites too!). And thank you for you kind words about my work and for recommending my blog to others - that means the world to me! xx Ania
This is hands down my favourite banana bread recipe. It works every time, it's moist, and just delicious. Loved equally by adults and kids (I tend to use less sugar). Can vary the recipe with chocolate chips, hazelnuts, almonds on top, or a bit of cinnamon/allspice in the dough around Christmas.
    Thanks so much, Julie! I am so happy to hear that this recipe has served you so well (it looked delicious in your Instagram post)! Thanks so much for coming back to review – I really appreciate it. x Ania
This recipe is so perfect ! I made this one easily and just added some hazelnut powder. The cake was fluffy and yummy ! Thank’s a lot Ania, can’t wait to try another one. Rémy
    Thanks so much, Rémy! I am so happy you enjoyed this banana bread and I really appreciate you taking the time to review - it helps me out a lot! x Ania
This chocolate banana bread is a staple in our house and both me and my husband (who eats eggs, he is veggie) absolutely love it. It's moist but fluffy and so chocolatey - just perfect. Thank you for another hit Ania! Helen
    Yay! Thanks so much, I'm delighted. So pleased that it's such a favourite in your household. x Ania
Love this ❤️ Fluffy and full of chocolate flavour.
So easy to make. Almost as fast as my boys ate it 🙈
    Thanks so much, Judit! I'm delighted to hear that you and your boys loved it, your Instagram photo of it looked great! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this review, I really appreciate it.x Ania
Apart from using almond milk, omitting coffee, and using oat flour, I followed the recipe and it was delicious! This “cake” as my toddler put it, was so rich and moist and had a beautiful chocolatey-banana flavor. I’ll definitely be making it again today!
    I'm delighted to hear that, Miranda! Thanks for letting me know. And I must say that I agree with your clever toddler, I think it's closer to a cake than a bread...;) x Ania
Oh yes great idea many thanks for your advice 🙏🏻😊 I look forward to making it x
    Thanks Emma, I hope you'll enjoy it! x Ania
Love this recipe! I recently went vegan and am still in the early stages of experimenting with baking. Fancied a chocolate treat a d had some bananas that needed using. Followed this recipe exactly except made a ganache to top rather than nuts, and it turned out perfect! Will definitely make again.
    Thank you so much for your kind words, Jodie! I'm so chuffed that you enjoyed it and MASSIVE congratulations on going vegan!! For me personally, it was the best decision I've made! I hope you'll find some other recipes you enjoy on my site and enjoy your vegan journey as much as I have. x Ania
Hi Ania,
Can this be frozen once cooked? I have lots of bananas so will be making more thank one! Many thanks Emma x
    Hi Emma,
    Yes, I don't see why not. I would recommend slicing it first, separating the slices with pieces of baking parchment and freezing in an air-tight container to keep the smells away and prevent freezer burn. Hope this helps! Ania
Noshini Suppiah:
This was absolutely delicious- moist, soft and deeply satisfying! Will be making this for family and friends from now! Thank you.❤️
    Thank you for your kind words, Noshini! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed this recipe and plan to make again! x Ania
I would love to see nutrition facts for this chocolate banana bread.
I made it yesterday and can’t stop eating. So delicious. It’s almost like a dessert 🧁:)
    Hi Marzena,
    I'm so happy to hear that you've been enjoying my chocolate banana bread. As for nutrition facts, I don’t have any means of calculating this kind of information in my current website, but hoping to be able to include it (for new recipes initially as I have to do all the calculations by hand) in the next edition. It should be launching in the next 2 months, please bear with me. In the meantime, I if you want to be able to count calories in your meals an app like Cronometer will help. Ania
Natalie Leventis:
Hello! This looks absolutely delicious! I really want to try this recipe, but would like your input with a substitution first. I'm on a paleo diet, so the all purpose gf flour I usually use is Bob's Redmill Paleo Baking Flour which has Almond Flour, Arrowroot Starch, Coconut Flour, and Tapioca Flour. Do you think this flour would still work well with this recipe? Thanks for your input!
    Hi Natalie,
    Yes, I totally think it would, it contains a nice mixture of flours including tapioca and starch, which are key. I am a little worried about coconut flour as it's very thirsty so it may make the bread dry, but you need to try to know if there is any point adding more liquid to the recipe when using this particular flour mix. Keep an eye on it (start checking at around 40-45 minutes but only once risen), it may need less time in the oven due to coconut flour being part of the mix. Good luck!
I didn’t used coffe but extra milk instead. I also put less sugar (as I generally do) and it came out so good!!
Ps. By mistake I used one tablespoon of bicarbonate soda instead of one teaspoon .... 😂 I reckon this is way it came out so soft and high
    Great to hear, Al and thanks for taking the time to let me know that you enjoyed this recipe! PS: too much baking soda tends to give baked goods a strange (metallic and slightly bitter) aftertaste so I'm glad that not only you seem to have got away with it but that you also got an extra fluffy cake :) Ania
This is hands down the best banana bread I’ve ever had! It’s every chocoholics dream, it’s so moist and it tastes great with the hint of coconut in there too. When I make this it’s usually devoured in only a few days 🤣 thank you for the recipe Ania!❤️
    Thanks so much for your kind words, Lucy! I'm delighted to hear that you rate it so highly! Ania
Hello, I see that you suggest using 95ml + 60ml soy milk. I intend to make this for my toddler, so no coffee. Why does the soy milk need to be lukewarm if using coconut oil? Also, can I use plant-based milk like cashew milk instead?
Can I add cinnamon? Will it affect the ratio of dry ingredients in any way?
I made a choc banana bread from another recipe today and it turned out tasty but the middle was all soggy. I think there was too much liquid, I'm not sure.
    Hi Alexis,
    Sure, you can use another plant milk so cashew one is absolutely fine. The milk needs to be lukewarm as if it is straight from the fridge it will cause coconut oil to harden/get lumpy. You can add cinnamon (it won't affect any ratios unless you add loads) if you wish but chocolate may overpower its taste, I personally think that it works better in a regular (not a chocolate one) banana bread. Hope you and your toddler will enjoy it. Ania
I wish I could post a picture, it looks just like it was supposed to. It's amazing. Thank you so much!
    I'm delighted to hear that, Sabrina! Thanks for letting me know that you enjoyed it that much. You can always post it on Instagram (assuming you use it) tagging me and using #lazycatkitchen hashtag. Cheers! Ania
I made it into muffins.... with chocolate chips but without the nuts. It was amazing. Fluffy and moist till the end. We couldn't get enough of it. No one believed me it was vegan.... For sure make it again....
I just put the peach tart into the oven. I'll let you know how it turned out.
    I'm delighted to hear that, LiLo. Thanks for letting me know and I hope you'll enjoy my peach tart just as much! Ania
Thank you! I’ll try and let you know!
Have you tried with whole wheat flour?
    I haven't but I am pretty sure it will work, it *may* need a touch more liquid though and the texture will be different (coarser), of course. Ania
This was amazing! Followed your recipe to a T! Thank you!
    That's great to hear! Thanks for letting me know that you enjoyed it so much! Ania
This was incredible, thank you! The first vegan banana bread recipe that has come out as moist and fluffy as a non-vegan loaf. So yummy!
    Thanks so much, Cathy. I’m delighted to hear that you enjoyed this banana bread so much. And thank you for letting me and my readers know – much appreciated! x Ania
Should the baking tin have done space after 5 cups? The risk capacity of the one I have is 5 cups. Would that work?
    No, it's 5 cups total capacity. Sounds like your baking tin is perfect for this recipe. I hope you'll enjoy my take on chocolate banana bread. Ania
I made it with oat flour and it came out delicious, so yummy with topped with nut butter :) Thank you!
    Thanks Polly, I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed it! And thanks for letting me and my readers know that oat flour worked a treat - much appreciated! Ania
I wonder if I could use rice flour to make this...
    Hi Carol,
    Possibly, but I am not sure as I have not tried. I would personally team it up with oat or buckwheat flour and maybe add a flax egg for good measure (in the absence of starches that GF flour mixes contain). Hope that helps! Ania
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