Vegan Thanksgiving recipes

Vegan Thanksgiving recipes

While I still have at least four new celebration-worthy recipes in the works and I promise to release them well ahead of 23rd of November, I dedicate this round-up post to all of my readers whose thoughts are turning towards the upcoming Thanksgiving celebration.

Similarly to Christmas, or any large family celebration for that matter, it’s not always easy being vegan at a Thanksgiving table, but it’s totally worth it. Whether you are celebrating on your own turf, and therefore make the rules, or turning up to someone else’s house, it is good to be prepared.

Hopefully everyone around the table will be welcoming and respectful of your choice not to eat animal products, but even if you are not that lucky, having banging vegan food will make you feel more included and will maybe convince those who remain unaccepting or even hostile towards veganism that vegan food is just food. It provides just as much sustenance and enjoyment as any food and can certainly be just as delicious as anything non vegan. Here are some dishes that will make your vegan Thanksgiving experience delicious.


A table centerpiece is always the biggest challange when it comes to a festive table that is free from animal prodcuts. There is a range of possibilities here, but my personal go to is puff pastry wrapped Vegan Wellington featuring smoky & savoury interior surrounded by a layer of fragrant mushroom duxelles. It’s not quick to make but it’s not that complicated to make either. Plus, you can (and should – they get better for it) make the gravy, the duxelles and the beet log in advance, wrap them in pastry and bake on the day. If you avoid gluten and have trouble finding gluten-free puff pastry, why not try my latest recipe for vegan roast (no seitan) as it can easily be made gluten-free.

If neither of these options appeals, how about any of the following dishes instead? They feature a range of fillings and a multitude of flavours and textures. If you are after less labour-intensive one, why not try Giant Vegan Sausage Roll instead – golden puff pastry stuffed with a smoky mushroom filling and served with a side of mushoom and miso gravy. If you are not planning to celebrate in a large crowd, but still want to mark the occasion somehow, these individual Thanksgiving Pithiviers would be my choice.


If you are after something less like a conventional ‘meat’ & two veg meal, how about making a big casserole style dish and inviting everyone to dig in?

Or if Thanksgiving meal prepping is giving you the creeps, how about a communal meal whereby you rope all of your fellow diners to make the meal with you!?!? After all, everyone gotta eat, right? That sort of labour division is very easily achieved when making all sorts of dumplings, for example. We did that with friends once for Christmas and it was so much fun – making over 200 pierogi together while chatting and sipping mulled wine was even more memorable than the meal itself – possibly because the quality of your dumpling making seems to deteriorate the more wine you drink πŸ˜‰


You can never go wrong with preparing a bunch of delicious sides and combining them with each other for a true flavour and texture explosion. There are so many options, it’s hard not to get all giddy and indecisive. I have three more delicous sides up my sleeve in the next week or so, but in the meantime here is a bunch you may like the look of.


You do want something green and crunchy in amongst all that rich food that you’ll be indulging in, but it does not need to be boring. Here are some of my favourites…


If you are after a traditional pie to end the meal on, here is a bunch of recipes you may want to check out. Pecan pie and apple pie are my personal favourites and I could have them at any time of the year…

Other sharing desserts

If pies aren’t your thing – who even are you!? – then perhaps a tart, a tray of luxurious brownies or a a tiramisu might be more up your street? Here some of my personal favourites…

Individual desserts

If you aren’t a keen baker, or perhaps are celebrating in a small group, an individual dessert may be more appropriate.


I’m pretty sure that you are not very likely to need any snacks, but here are a few ideas just in case…

I hope you will enjoy this simple round-up and that it will spark some Thanksgiving meal ideas for you and if you have any questions about any of these recipes, contact me on Instagram or Facebook or leave a comment under the recipe and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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1 review, 5 comments
Hello Ania, what an amazing post. All dishes look so mouthwatering... I went part-time vegan this year (more vegan than vegetarian most times) and I love looking for new recipe ideas. So many ideas of your post will work great for our family christmas party together with our three adult children and partners. All of them are non-vegans not even vegetarians but they love delicious food ;) Thank you so much for all your recipes. Best wishes from Germany, have wonderful holidays, Jutta
    Thank you for your kind words, Jutta! And congratulations on incorporating more plant-based meals into your life - for me personally, it's been one of the best decision of my life. I hope you'll thrive on vegan food also. Hope you'll give some of these recipes a try and wishing you are your family wonderful holidays too. x Ania
Maria Varela:
Awesomeness!!! Thank you very much for this! Many ideas for many meals and reunions in this season.
    Thanks so much, Maria! I hope you will give some of these recipes a try. x Ania
Omigosh, this post is AMAZING! Plus mouth-watering, beautiful, and so very welcome. Thank you so much for putting it together. EVERYONE can enjoy these dishes. And I don't care what anybody else thinks, my vegan stuffing is better than any meat stuffing. It looks very much like yours, but I add peas and carrots for color and because I love them with vegan mashed potatoes. :) My friend makes the most amazing sunflower seed gravy to go with them. Yum.
    Thank you for your kind words, Judy! I know, it is crazy that vegan food is still treated with such suspicion - like unless an animal has died/suffered for it, it's not worth even considering...- my husband's coworker said today that she 'doesn't see the point of being vegan'...Really?? in 2022?? with the planet being on the verge of climate catastrophe...? Anyway, I know am preaching to the converted :) your stuffing and gravy both sound delicious and thank you for being such a compassionate human, Judy. x Ania
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